"DART: A Public Services Transaction Study" by David McCaslin

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Space on campuses comes at a premium and libraries cannot easily expand their footprint to accommodate for more collections or study spaces for students. Pressed for additional study spaces, libraries are faced with the dilemma of creating it through the removal of print collections or the consolidation or elimination of public service desks. In addition, due to the recession in 2008, universities and their libraries have had to make tough decisions with respect to staff size either through layoffs or leaving positions unfilled. Libraries have been left doing more with less staff and that can be exacerbated if libraries are staffing multiple public service points throughout a library. Finally, assessment has traditionally been a tool to judge how a service or policy is received or used by a patron base but it has become increasingly important to rationalize collection decisions, justify staffing points, and spending. This study analyzes the public service layout and interactions between the Caltech community and Caltech Library staff.
