Date of Award

Fall 5-2-2023

Document Type

Research Paper


Whittier Scholars Program

First Advisor

Kate Albers

Second Advisor

Sara Angevine

Third Advisor

Scott Creley


Art changes culture while policy codifies it. Radical revolutionary movements are often accompanied by equally radical shifts in art and design. I cataloged, compared, and contrasted the semiotic power of three specific symbols and their most significant historical moments in the United States. Through the examination of; Stonewall, The Equality March March Against Death, The Day The World Said No To War, The 1968 Summer Olympics, and The 2020 Black Lives Matter, the shifting of each ideologies symbol from inflammation in the media to recognition showcases the clarifying function along with creating unity and pride in community that is integral to the success of sociopolitical movements. The intentional production of these symbols was to organize communities into sociopolitical groups with political efficacy.
