Date of Award
Spring 5-9-2024
Document Type
Research Paper
First Advisor
Doreen O'Connor-Gomez
Second Advisor
Scott Noon Creley
My Whittier Scholars Program self-designed major, Teaching Creativity, is a mixture of Art, Literature, and Education classes. My research and praxis classes have been focused on the ‘how?’s and 'why?’s of creativity, so it felt only right that my project should be a constructivist, generative project. The project I have been working on throughout my time at Whittier, and that has just fully come to fruition on April 11th, 2024, was a solo art gallery/open mic event entitled ‘With Love,’. With Love, was conceptually inspired by the research I’ve conducted on creativity and creative arts education over the past few years. My main inspiration for this project was a study called “Racialized Women with Severe Mental Illness: An Arts-Based Approach to Locating Recovery in Intersections of Power, Self-Worth, and Identity,” done by the American Journal of Psychiatric Rehabilitation. This study explores my precise area of interest: the empowering and healing benefits of the creative arts specifically to those with intersectionally marginalized identities. This will be the main framework for my argument that creative arts education is important to everyone, but especially to those with intersectionally marginalized identities. This framework was then used to create the work which was exhibited at With Love,.
Recommended Citation
Gardner, T. S. (2024). With Love, ; An Interdisciplinary and Intersectional Look At Why Creativity Is Essential. Retrieved from
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