"Brains over Bronze" by Natalia L. Williams

Date of Award

Spring 5-9-2024

Document Type

Research Paper

Publication Title

Brains over Bronze


Whittier Scholars Program

First Advisor

Dr. Ann Hickey



Second Advisor

Scott Creley




While we as a society have made great strides in rewarding and praising athletes for the shows of great physical display, there is a lack of support or awareness of the mental health aspects of competition, especially at the college and professional level. This project illuminates the dire need for mental health resources and training. Athletes undergo a number of pressures and challenges in their work life as well as their personal development. Through literature review, this symposium aims to offer insight on the experiences of college and professional athletes, then providing mental health and psychological skills training resources that can have long-term impacts.

Creative Commons License

Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License.
