"Evaluating Magical Condom Machines: An overview of the role of a colle" by Bobbi Mendoza

Evaluating Magical Condom Machines: An overview of the role of a college’s condom dispenser program and its effect on condom attainment barriers

Date of Award

Spring 2015

Document Type


First Advisor

Rebecca Overmyer-Velazquez


At most colleges, community-level sex education is the sole approach for increasing college students’ condom use. However, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reports that “structural level condom distribution interventions are efficacious in increasing condom use, condom acquisition (condom carrying), unwanted pregnancies and, reducing incident STIs” (CDC 2010). This demonstrates that there is a gap of knowledge between research available on effective sex education and the implementation of this research on college campuses. This systematic review examines a private liberal arts structural level condom distribution intervention (SLCDI) that was installed in April 2014. There has not been any research done to measure how this SLCDI has addressed environmental and personal barriers for a student to attain contraception. College students (N= 205) completed a self-administered confidential and anonymous survey on their sexual behavior, Perceived Personal Immunity (PPI) and on overall program satisfaction, as well as how the program works to address barriers to attain contraception (economic, accessibility, acceptability, and availability). The results found that there are multiple factors for a person to attain contraception. This overview recommends that an SLCDI needs to be complemented with comprehensive sex education program in order to encourage students to practice safe sex.


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