"Now What? An examMANnation of life after gang intervention programs" by Noelle Garcia

Now What? An examMANnation of life after gang intervention programs

Date of Award


Document Type


First Advisor

Rebecca Overmyer-Velazquez


Gang members, due to their lower socioeconomic status, have been socialized to display their manliness through hyper masculinity because of their disadvantage in society. The changes that happen to masculinity among gang affiliated men through rehabilitation programs has been widely studied. However, there seems to be a lack of empirical research on what these men aspire to do with their new skills in which they display their masculinity. This study aims to understand if the men participating in Homeboy Industries rehabilitation program do so with the intentions of an upward social class shift. Through interviews with eleven men currently participating in the 18 month rehabilitation program, this qualitative design aims to seek insight into this gap in the research. Results indicate that the men who apply themselves and dedicate themselves to the program learn to perform masculinity in a new ways which foster family men, emotional intelligence, and consistency and responsibility which then allows them to chase professional opportunities that allow for an upward social class shift.


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