
Theses/Dissertations from 2014

Structural Racism In Professional Sports, Justin Carter

Challenges Faced By Female Athletes (Physical/Mental Obstacles and Social Influences on Woman Athletes), David de Leon

Patron-Client Relationships in Jamaica: The Changing Role of the Don, Kimberley Grey

The Effects of Substance Use on Whittier College Students Well being: Do Prevention Strategies Address The Change in Use Patterns Over Time?, Isaiah Hernandez

Literature Review: Factors that Impact High School Students Attending College, MIchael Hoskins

Understanding the multiracial disadvantage: “One who lives in two worlds, in both of which he is more or less of a stranger.”, Cazz Hyakuno

Examining the Relationship Between New Urbanist Theory and Implementation: A Case Study of Downtown Brea, Julia Marino

The Reification of Race and Gender through Advertising: From Production to Consumption, Francis Maxwell

Understanding Colorblind Racism: Through the Eyes of Black Men, Nouvella O'Bryant

The Nonprofit Entity – Strategies to Enhance Organizational Effectiveness A Case Study with Special Olympics Southern California, Jenna Schonfeld

Place-Making in Sociobiological Networks: Stakeholder Responses to the Asian Longhorned Beetle in Worcester, Massachusetts, Carlee Shults

Army For Us: A History And Analysis of Integration in United States Army, Gage L. Smith

African American College Students and The Obstacles to Graduation, Philip Thomas

Theses/Dissertations from 2013

The Unsung Heroes: An Analysis of Burnout in Social Work, Ashley Monique Borja