"08-22-1945, 05-09-1946, and 04-23-1946 (in the same envelope)" by Florence Wells, Edith F. Sharpless et al.

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In these letters, all of which were in the same envelope, several women provide Lorena with information about where Florence may have gone after her internment. Edith responds to a concern that Florence may have a changed attitude towards America since the start of the war. Ruth forwards on a letter from Florence, Miss Yoshida, and an unknown woman named Ai. Florence describes the devastation of the air-raids (including the burning of her house in Aoyama) and the precautions that she, Miss Yoshida, and their neighbors had taken. Florence assures Ruth that they are safe and back to working at the college, and that there seems to be little ill will from the Japanese people whose homes were burnt, and that they are in fact more interested in democracy and Christianity than before. Finally, she asks Ruth to contact Lorena on her behalf, as she has lost her address book.
